The Finchampstead Society

Barkham Solar Farm

Update 15th June 2021

The Parish Council supports this project in principle, but has two main issues. The first concerns the screening and boundary at the point where the site backs onto California Country Park and its potential impact on the rural/woodland nature of the park. The second is a suggestion by the Parish Council for a cycling/pedestrian route to be created on the site and running parallel with the road.

Update 13th April 2021

As part of its policy of achieving net carbon zero by 2030, WBC are proposing to construct four solar farms in the borough. A site for the first of the farms has been identified in an area of farmland of about 40ha to the north and south of Barkham Ride, which is owned by WBC. The proposal, which is out for consultation at the present time, includes extensive new tree and hedge planting to reduce visual impact and protection of public rights of way.

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