At a meeting in January 2022 between WBC and members of the Finchampstead NDP team, the impact of the Rooks Nest Farm development proposals on the NDP in terms of the site allocations proposed in the Plan was discussed. The NDP team has subsequently decided not to change any of the site allocations. The rejection by WBC of six of the sites proposed for Local Green Space designation was also discussed and WBC confirmed that further submissions relating to the rejected sites would be considered.
Following the WBC decision not to proceed with the development of a new "garden village" of 15,000 dwellings near Grazeley, the NDP Group is in consultation with WBC to discuss further potential sites for housing development in Finchampstead. The NDP will be amended and will be subject to further public consultation.
The WBC decision not to proceed with the development of a new "garden village" of 15,000 dwellings near Grazeley will have an impact on housing development in Finchampstead. The FNDP accept the reality of this situation and will continue to work with WBC to ensure that any additional housebuilding is consistent with the policies and objectives of the FNDP.
The first round of public consultations has been completed and a full analysis of the results is now taking place.
Following reviews by WBC Officers and the Planning Consultant, the first round of public consultations will take place in February 2021 for six weeks