The Finchampstead Society

The Finchampstead Society Christmas Carol Concert

Once again the annual carol service held by the Finchampstead Society on the 9th December proved to be a great success.

We were entertained by the wonderful St James Junior and Senior choir who were conducted by Janice Devine and accompanied by William Taylor on the keyboard. The choir sang a variety of contemporary and traditional carols, some of which gave members and visitors the opportunity to join in and raise the roof of the Memorial Hall. One contemporary reflective piece, sung by Isabelle and called “Step into Christmas”, really focussed on the seasonal feeling and the meaning of Christmas.

In addition thought provoking poems and readings were read by Rev. Julie Ramsbottom and other society members. The amusing poem read by Chris King elevated the Christmas turkey to being a guest at the dinner table rather than being eaten.

The seasonal excellent refreshments of mince pies and mulled wine were also a welcome addition to the evening, as empty plates and glasses indicated. The mulled wine improved the quality of everyone who was singing, especially when we were all joining in the “Twelve days of Christmas”.

The concert ended with a rousing rendition of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” which confirmed that the hard work of the committee, members and others had all been worthwhile.

Adrian Hobbs thanked everyone involved for helping at the event, especially Kate and Bev. He also asked if anybody would be interested in joining the committee to help organise future events such as this one.

A retiring collection was made for Air Ambulance and raised £166.60

- Jane Parle -

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