16 Walkers and 4 dogs joined Simon Weeks on a guided Autumn Walk on Thursday October 27th. We all met and parked in EU Farms on Lower Sandhurst Road and after introductory remarks from Simon about the Farm itself, set off towards and down Longwater Road, pausing to see the restoration Cemex have done to the Manor Farm gravel extraction area between Lower Sandhurst Road and the Blackwater River. Simon explained the process Cemex are going through to restore and replant the area prior to putting the land up for sale. It is hoped RSPB may be interested in developing the site but would be unable to purchase it themselves. Crossing Longwater Road, the walk took us on a circular route around the area of lakes and walkways on Fleet Hill Farm from which Cemex had extracted marginal amounts of gravel. Bulrushes are already well established on these lakes giving perfect habitat for wildfowl and swans are regularly seen on them. We then came back across Longwater Road and back to the EU Farm, the walk having taken us just under 2 hrs. Everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the walk, having been blessed with lovely weather, and were very grateful to Simon for organising it and leading it - the next walk is planned for New Year's Day - do come along
The Quiz in The Memorial Hall on October 7th in aid of the Ukraine Appeal was a great success. 86 keen quizzers filled the Hall and competed as Teams for the Trophy under the direction of our excellent Quiz Master, Roland Fruen. A Raffle was also organised and the evening raised well over £700.00 for the Appeal. Many thanks to Bev Kemp and helpers for organising such a great evening and to all who attended or contributed. The Society looks forward to organising similar events in the future.
27 Members of The Society visited the Duke of Wellington's House and Estate at Stratfield Saye on September 1st for a Private Tour led by Andrew Powell who has been a tour guide there for 15 years. Members enjoyed escorted guided tours around the House and also had a talk in the Museum on the 1st Duke's Funeral at St Paul's Cathedral in 1852 in front of the magnificent funeral carriage built for the occasion. There was also an opportunity to look around the grounds of the Estate and to visit Copenhagen's grave and have lunch in the Visitors' Centre. All Members thoroughly enjoyed their visit and thanks have been sent to the Estate and to the Head Guide for making us so welcome.
Members of the Society and other local residents came together on the Memorial Park on the evening of Thursday, June 2nd to celebrate together the Queens' Platinum Jubilee. Basking in the early evening sunshine, over 300 residents and their friends sat down to listen to the wonderful Big G Brass Band while they enjoying their picnics. Freshly picked strawberries, kindly donated by EU Farms, were distributed to add to the enjoyment of a wonderful evening before a large crowd of over 600 people came together at St James Church to see the Beacon lit on the Church Tower - linking Finchampstead to many other towns and villages across the country. Many thanks to Chris Driver and her team of helpers for organising the wonderful picnic.
Please note - all events in 2020 and early 2021 were cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions
The Annual May Day walk guided by Simon Weeks was a particular success this year. The weather was good, and there was a buzz of excitement as we resumed one of the many activities planned by the Finchampstead Society after such a long absence due to Covid.
Sixteen walkers met at the entrance of Manor farm, situated at the bottom of Dell Road. We made our way up the hill towards the entrance to Simons Wood which is managed by the National Trust. The stunning maze of deep blue bluebells with their delicate perfume was probably the best we have seen for a few years. Our group Society photo was taken against the backdrop of bluebells in Ambarrow Woods. In the same area clumps of wild garlic plants, with their white flowers mingled with the bluebells. Their aromatic smell quite a contrast to the bluebell scent. The walk then led us to Ambarrow Road, past Moor Green Lakes and along the Blackwater River.
At the end of the 2-hour walk we returned to Manor fruit farm. Our reward was a punnet each of freshly picked strawberries. So delicious! And all thanks to Simon.
Meeting held
Walk led by Simon Weeks was a great success and much enjoyed by the 15 walkers who came along. Further walks are being planned.
A well attended evening of carol singing and seasonal readings, very well attended by Members and Visitors - mince pies and mulled wine enjoyed by all. Music led by the St James Church Choir. Significant sum collected for donation to the Berkshire Air Ambulance
An enjoyable walk led by Simon Weeks looking at autumnal colours round the village.
A talk on the early history of the Post Office and Postage Stamps - the development and usage - in the context of English History upto 1750.
Supported by the Finchampstead Society with a Stall and a donation to the BBQ
A lively presentation on the history of the Hogs Back Brewery, much enjoyed by all who attended - both Members and Visitors - and a chance to sample and buy some of the beers produced by the Brewery
Very successful evening with 45 attendees, much enjoyed by all and very well organised by Kate Barrie.
Very enjoyable walk led by Simon Weeks, much enjoyed by all those who came along.
Visited by 13 Society members, very interesting facility and a well organised tour provided.
Very successful event with 75 attendees and an excellent quizmaster.
For a report on the talk, click here
Twenty two members and two dogs ventured out on the traditional New Year’s Day walk. Following a period of dry weather, the paths were good and the 3.7 mile walk was completed in 90 minutes. A number of regulars were absent, some because of winter illnesses, but we were joined by a few new participants.
For report on the Carol Concert held at the Memorial Hall, click here
A number of Finchampstead Society members enjoyed a pleasant evening on Friday 19th October at Jackson's Restaurant at the Lakes in California Country Park. The three course menu was a culinary delight - it was interesting to see so many different ways to serve beetroot within the starter menu. The meal was expertly prepared by Tom Jackson and his team whilst Alicya and Lucy skilfully attended to front of house - table service and the bar. Finchampstead Society will be looking to host a Spring Dinner in 2019 if there is sufficient interest among our members so please let us have your comments.
- Kate Barrie -
This family walk led by Simon Weeks through the local countryside.
For photos and a report, click here
Finchampstead Park Management Committee hosted the Watermill Theatre's production of Burke & Hare at Finchampstead Memorial Hall.
Simon Weeks led a family walk through the local countryside.
Finchampstead Society hosted a 3-course Spring Dinner at Jackson's Restaurant, California Country Park.